All pictures are ©CCP hf. - EVE Online
A tethered Rhea near a friendly Raitaru, preparing for a long haul in the vast nothingness
The fast and basic shuttle. A quick way to transport your valuable escape pod
The massive behemoth; Providence. The backbone of Amarr
Fast and nimble - keywords of Matari ships. The Rifter is iconic, and all pilots fear to meet one
Space is unforgiving, and no one can hear you scream. You never know what you'll meet in space
With a massive cargo hold, and a hull thicker than the bulkhead of a station. The Providence is the right way to haul your valuables
A true sign of an explorer; the Katia Sae monument. Located in her home system of Saiso, a symbol of unity
EVE is beautiful - and dangerous. You never know what is at the end of the warp tunnel.
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